Digital Nature Tools
Moving water, wakes, volumetric clouds: all difficult to create in LightWave, even with the exciting addition of Hypervoxels. You've seen the movies we all admire and try to imitate: Sphere, Hard Rain, Devil's Advocate, The Fifth Element, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Waterworld, and the Academy Award winning James Cameron epic, Titanic. What do they all have in common? Excellent water, created with Digital Nature Tools from Areté.
Used by some of the industry's top visual effects companies including Digital Domain, Station X Studios, Pacific Ocean Post, Cinesite, and Matte World Digital, the popular nature effects plug-in is capable of creating authentic-looking water effects, from vast ocean scenes to backyard pools. View from both above and below the surface with ripples, sprays and ship wakes based on actual hull geometrics, and generate photo-realistic clouds and atmospheres.
Available the winter of 1998-1999, Digital Nature Tools will allow the LightWave animator to create these same effects with ease. In use right now in its alpha stage, DNT for LightWave is being used by Station X Studios to create the water effects for TBS' The Hunley, due to air Christmas 1998.
Sold as two different items, you can choose what best suits your needs. You can purchase only NatureFX, the actual LightWave plug-in that creates the water, cloud, and atmospheric effects, or you may want to buy the entire Digital Nature Tools, which includes both NatureFX and Arete's stand-alone renderer, RenderWorld. You decide, but either way, you'll have wakes, splashes and clouds in no time!
Click above image to view AVIs from Station X Studios.